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Documentary Essay

She is her home, she is land

(She is her home, She is from land, Mexico 2019).

Dir. Paulina Vázquez.

59.22 min.


"Martina's house is jungle, dark and silent. It is almost always cold like the forest and everything grows, everything remains, everything is her."


Martina has lived all her life in El Contadero, Cuajimalpa, an old colony of the  Mexico City has fulfilled every aspect of the woman's estate: she has been a daughter, wife and mother. Now that she is a grandmother, her identity is broken down and analyzed  their  relations  family through the gaze of his granddaughter.


This documentary essay is part of the exhibition project "She is her house, She is from land", and its structure and narrative are thought  so that the film is  I projected  a crude wall like a window that allows the viewer to peer into his life.


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