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Paulina Vázquez [CV]  


Full Name: Paulina Abril Vázquez Reyes

Languages: Spanish-Natal, English-Advanced, Portuguese-Basic

Facebook page: Paulina Vázquez

Ig: @paulina_a_vazquez



1. Studies (2019) 

Degree in Visual Arts. National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda". (2015 -2019) 

Monographic Essay of the Terminal Project, Eighth Semester: "Inherited Identities: The breakdown of an identity".

Advisors: Dra. Elena Odgers Ortiz and Lic. Sofía Táboas Rodríguez.  

2. Attendance at courses, conferences and seminars

-Attendance to the Cycle of Master Classes "Light Sharing Knowledge",  October 31 to November 14, 2020:

  · Ask to know: Interviews in cinematographic journalism, given by Fabiola Santiago.

  · Editing as care work: Rethinking dynamics and relationships of the editorial process, taught by Ana Laura Pérez Flores

  · Social networks and culture: Analysis, management and development of comprehensive strategies, taught by Sharely Cuellar.

-Attendance at the HINDITEX Seminar: Spinning Our Interdisciplinary Textile Dissidence,  Collective Hilando Sentidos in collaboration with ICDAC, UNAM, 2020.

-Attendance to the Course “Bergman early, Bergman Maduro. The development of a vision of the world ”given by Juan Arturo Brennan. Cineteca Nacional, from September 4 to 19, 2020. 

-Attendance to the Chair "The sense of textile" given by Ixchel Ledesma, Iñaki Herranz, Mauricio Marcin in the framework of the exhibition Abuses of forms, "Textile art in Mexico and Argentina through the exhibition Tapestries by Carlos Segovia and Gracia Cutuli, presented at the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires in 1963, and the case of the National Tapestry Workshop (1973-1995), founded by Pedro Preux in Mexico ”. Carrillo Gil Art Museum. 2020. 

-Attendance at the Seminar of Attendance to the Cycle of Conferences Talking with our filmmakers: Dir. Roberto Fiesco: Quebranto (Mexico, 2013), Short film program. Dir. Jesús Torres Torres, No one will ever know, (Mexico, 2018), Cineteca Nacional, 2019. 

-Attendance at the Master Conference "The urgent guideline for critical and political gender theory" given by Dr. Rita Laura Segato in dialogue with Dr. Alicia Elena Pérez Duarte. Iberoamerican University, 2018. 

-Attendance at the seminar "Potentialities in contemporary feminisms to (re) think about subjectivity, power and violence," given by Francesca Gargallo. Iberoamerican University, 2018. 

-Attendance at the conference "Rights and freedoms: the limitations of Marxism and its introduction into communist and feminist thought" of the 1968 Forum Movement, within the framework of the XVIII International Book Fair in the Zócalo 2018, directed by Silvia Federici and Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui. 

-Attendance at the seminar "Gender and society in the symbolic horizon", given by Mtra. Karla Alexandra Villegas Ramírez, with a duration of 60 hours, held at the ENPEG “La Esmeralda” facilities during the August-December 2018 semester. 

-Attendance to the seminar "Theory of gender, feminism and aesthetic production of women considered at the dawn of the XXI century", given by Mtra. Irmgard Emmelhainz, with a duration of 60 hours, held at the ENPEG “La Esmeralda” facilities during the August-December 2018 semester. 

-Attendance to the "Basic Binding" course, taught by Rodrigo Ortega, at the "El Nambligo del Libro" Workshop-School of artisan binding. 2019 

-Attendance to the course "Binding and Pop-up Case a la Hugo Peller", given by Rodrigo Ortega, in the Workshop-School of artisan binding "The Navel of the Book". 2018  



1. Current professional situation.

-Head of the Department of Diffusion and Public Relations of the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda" 2020.  

-Assistant to the Department of Cultural Diffusion and Public Relations of the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda". 2019  

-Collaborator in Lumínicas. 2020.

-Collaborator in Fotogenia Podcast. 2020

-Collaborator in FILME magazine. Mexico City. 2019 to date.

-Collaborator of Filminlatino. Mexico City. 2019 to date.

-Girls at Films collaborator. Mexico City-Latin America. 2019 to date.

2. Teaching  

Visual Arts Teacher. Tiyoli College, Secondary. 2019. 

Visual Arts teacher with a focus on painting. Mozart Educational Center. Preschool. 2016-2017.  


3. Awards and recognitions

-Special Mention Film Criticism Contest of the 11th edition of My French Film Festival of IFAL and Le cinema.

with criticism: Adolescents: the transition towards emancipation and autonomy. 10. 03. 2021 

-INBAL Scholarship, 2019, Obtaining Professional Degree, ENPEG “La Esmeralda”. 

-Nomination to the 2018 National Youth Award, by the ENPEG "La Esmeralda" · 

-INBAL Scholarship, 2018, Outstanding Academic Achievement, ENPEG "La Esmeralda" 

-Honorable Mention, license degree by the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda". 

-Winner of the 1st Place of the National Contest of the 5th Book Fair "100 years of Mexican letters" in the Short Story and Poetry Category, 2014.  

4. Institutional participation  

1. Positions and / or appointments 

Head of the Department of Diffusion and Public Relations of the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda" 2020. 

-President of the Society of Students of the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "la Esmeralda" 2015-2019. 

-Representative of the Academic Council of the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "la Esmeralda" 2017-2018. 

-Founder and Representative of the General Committee of Student Societies of CENART 2017-2019. 

-Organizer of the Annual Day of the Dead Festival ENPEG "La Esmeralda", 2015-2018. 

-Organizer of the Fanzines Fair, Ping-Pong Tournaments and the ENPEG “La Esmeralda” Arts Market 2016-2018.  


5. Exhibitions.

1. Individual exhibitions  

-She is her house, She is of land. Residences House and PANDEO Gallery. Mexico City, 2019. 

-Rosa Baladí. Malinalxochitl House, Malinalco State of Mexico, 2018. 

-Rizome: The one is part of the multiple. Curated by Bernardo González at Galería San Pascual Bailongo, Mexico City, 2016.  

2. Collective exhibitions  

-Climax: Between the sublime and ecstasy,  Mercarte Territory, Mexico City. 2020

-It's not just about me. CENART Alternative Space Gallery. Curated by Violeta Celis, 2019. 

-Begining of uncertainty. ENPEG Gallery Extension “La Esmeralda”, curated by Jeannette Betancourt, 2018. 

-Exhibition without title. within the framework of the ITAM 2017 University Congress. Centro Cultural San Ángel. 

-777 Fest. 1st Multidisciplinary Exhibition of Independent Creators, Casa MAX. 

-Inventory 16, Faro Tláhuac, 2016.

6. Collaborative and interdisciplinary projects   

-Cofounder and member of the ENTRESPACIOS Collective, a transdisciplinary laboratory of artistic production.

Collaborators: Pierre Mörice Clemenceau Compeán, Cosme Emiliano Álvarez Solís, Luis Rogelio Hernández Pérez,

Elsa Monroy Ponce, Ma. De Lourdes Rodríguez Noriega, Miguel Ángel Velasco Oropeza, Adela Patricia Ibarra Hernández, Daniel Amaury Castillo Díaz. Mexico City 2019 to date.  

-Collaborator of production and elaboration of Costumes: Peer Gynt de pacotilla, Directed by Jesús Díaz. Sensational Laundry Orchestra. Antonio López Mancera Forum, National School of Theater Art, 2019. Costume design, Anabel Ortega.



1.Visual Arts Items

-Artist represented by Millenial Art México, 2020.

Ç'est La Vie, Paulina Vázquez- Don't be sorry for your nudity 07. 05. 2020

-Hysteria Magazine, No 32, "Textiles, fabrics and embroidery",  Don't be sorry for your nudity, Mexico, February 27, 2020.

-Rosa Gorilla: Publication of portfolio and statement, 2019.   

-The Tempest: Visual Arts Section, La Redacción. “La Esmeralda presents its graduates”, Mexico, July 18, 2019. Jh7i8LxgQs3HhjPKa01rBkx_1vY01  

2.-Articles, Essays, Criticism and Film Reviews



Birth Wars: The Everyday Praxis of Midwifery as Permanent Resistance. 5. 11. 2020

Alterations / Kô Murobushi: The rapture of the shadows within corporal poetry. 28.05.2020 

The Voyage of Nonna: The mortal and moral limit of the lie. 22.05.2020 

July Nights: the alloy between image, sound and intimacy. 13. 05. 2020 

My Blood Raised: The Lineage Commemoration and a Promise  perpetual 8.05.2020     

Treasures: Childhood and imagination on the seashore. 30. 04. 2020. 

The eyes of the sea: The symbolic as a method of healing and farewell.  20.04.2020 

Cinema MX: FICUNAM 10 comes to your house. 03.04. 2020 

Eugenio Polgovsky: Documentary cinema as a complaint and a trigger for reflection. 31.03.2020. 

Who was Jaime Sabines and what remains of him in us ?: Without God and without devil, Jaime Sabines and his readers. 03/17/2020 readers 

See you dad: memories lost between the borders of affection and eroticism.  4.02.2020. 

Archangel: life in its rawness when it is at death's door. 31.01.2020.  


Submerged family: death as a prelude to escape. 27.12. 2019 

Opus zero: ode to creativity and sudden absence in silence. 24.12.2019. 

Too late to die young: Dominga Sotomayor, the contemporary manners. 

Invisible women: the claim of the gender role in the home. 14. 10.2019 

My dad's name is Lola. 25.09.2019 

The gannet revolution: The woman who took the vote to the mountains. 30.10.2019 

45 years: A life in marriage 12.10.2019 

The salt of the earth: the witness that caught the light of an era. 8.10.2019  




July Nights: The meeting, the contact and another reality.  04.11.19 

Wild: the human condition and freedom as destiny 27. 09. 19. 

Cuervos: A contemplative look at the emotional landscape 08.13.19. 

Lemonade: the bitter American dream 07.12.19. 

The romantic hairdresser: The suspended time, a space to recognize the identity from an old profession. 01. 07. 19 

The wild chicxs: the genre explored through the body, fantasy and sensuality 17. 07. 19



To ghost  Story: The spirit in the search for meaning through time

Girls at Films  



Special Mention in Film Criticism Contest of the 11th edition of My French Film Festival of IFAL and Le cinema.

with criticism: Adolescents: the transition towards emancipation and autonomy. 10. 03. 2021.

Oasis 2020: The virtuous circle that opposes death. 23. 08. 2020

Sea, the emotional melting pot of everyday life. 01. 07. 2020

Bath of life: A refuge in the steam to cleanse the soul. 10. 04. 2020 

Angeles Cruz interview. 18. 03. 2020 

The largest house in the world, 02.24.2020 

Live twice. 18. 02. 2020  

Fotogenia Podcast


Paterson: The Poetry of Everyday Life and Love. 12.02. 2021

Review: Malcolm & Marie by Sam Levinson.  10. 02. 2021  Collaborative text in conjunction with Pablo Zamora Ríos.

Days: Eroticism as a way to fullness of the body. 18.03.2021

The mommy: The behind-the-scenes stories of the workers at Barba Azul cabaret 18. 03.2021

Essay «I do not want to sleep alone» by Tsai Ming-liang: The inner city of the city in I do not want to sleep alone 23.03.2021


End of summer: The gaze of a composer or feeling the landscape through a sound log. 06.10. 2020.

The children of Isadora: The sublimation of pain through the transfer of the body. 12.09.2020 

Haute: Blood as an ingredient of the sublime and the sinister. 08.25.2020 

Caterina, A window towards the otherness and the hindrance to form genuine bonds. 10.10.2020.

Letters on Correspondence from Rita Azevedo. Correspondence on cinema in collaboration with Axel Flores. 14.10.2020

The Witches of Robert Zemeckis: The poorly achieved romanticization of a relic of the 90's

Joan of Arc: The Parsimonious Litany of the Maid of Orleans. 13.11.2020.

Review: Ina Weisse's Audition, 11/16/2020

Beanpole: An overflowing and absolute piece. 18.12.2020

Family Ties: Melodrama as a form of exploitation Collaborative text in conjunction with Pablo Zamora Ríos. 

Undine: The liquid love of a water nymph. 09.12.2020



There where I am: spaces of affinity and catharsis. 02.03.2021

'La vocera': The resistance of indigenous peoples through the voice of a woman. 19.03.2021


Living the cinema in the cage house: Thoughts of a person who writes. 05.10.2020

Shiva Baby: or how not to miss family gatherings. 11.18.2020

Leona: The transit in the life of a woman. 23.12.2020

PULSAR Magazine of the School of Cinema  

Paulina Vázquez, When the one who looks at is a woman: The symbolic reinterpretation of “women” in contemporary Latin American cinema, Pulsar Magazine of filmic reflection, No.2, Faces of Ibero-America.  07/06/2020



1. Social Service 

Social Service: Audiovisual Media, Digital Media and Broadcasting in National Cinematheque, 2019. Audiovisual Media, Digital Media and Broadcasting in National Cineteca, 2019.

Paulina Vazquez.

Multidisciplinary creator.

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